Emeline Loader
I am a Couple and Family Counselor accredited by the French ANCCEF (Association Nationale des Conseillers Conjugaux et Familiaux ) who is passionate about relationships and their multiple facets, and I am a trained in EFT Therapist (Emotionally Focused Therapy). EFT is the powerful tool that I mostly use for my Couple, Family and Individual sessions. […]
Anne Verlet
I am a Marriage and Family Counsellor, I am a Marriage and Family Counsellor, and I am trained in Emotionally Centered Therapy, which I rely on in couple counseling. I accompany couples, individuals (young people or adults), as well as families, in their relational, emotional or sexual difficulties. My private practice is located in Rennes. […]
Minoush Askari
Je suis formée en Thérapie de Couple Centrée Sur les Emotions (TCCE) fondée par le Docteur Sue Johnson, chercheur, auteur de plusieurs livres à ce sujet et qui est encadrée par la recherche. J’offre également des conseils psychologique aux personnes souhaitant améliorer leurs relations et obtenir une clairvoyance sur leur réactions. Je suis praticienne en […]
Sébastien Dupont
I work as a psychologist specialized in couple and family therapy. I obtained my doctorate at the University of Strasbourg, where I continue to work as a lecturer, and I have been practicing as a psychologist for fifteen years in several medico-psychological centers in Alsace. My choice to work with couples and families is based […]
Elisabeth Jean
Couple Therapy / Marriage and Family Counselling / Emotions Resolution (Tipi° method)
Amine Mallat-Lopez
Through my journey as a therapist I always felt compelled to go further in the study of what makes us human. I hence furthered my knowledge and experience in interpersonal neurobiology. Interpersonal neurobiology is the study of how emotions affect our relations with others and vice versa. I’m initially a cognitive behavioural therapist who discovered […]
Janelle Watters Oliel
Janelle is a dedicated therapist who works with individuals, couples, adolescents and groups in both French and English in a private practice. She was born in the U.S. but has called France her home for more than20 years with her French husband and two children. In 1993, she movedfrom her childhood home in Philadelphia to […]
Blandine Moncorgé
Daniela Rocha IJzerman
I am an individual and couples therapist licensed as a Psychologist in Brazil, in France, and in The Netherlands. I have been working with individuals, couples, and families since 2008. I am experienced as a therapist in Brazil, the Netherlands, and now in France, where I currently live. I have worked with adult clients during […]
Laurent Huz
Psychopraticien humaniste (Gestal) et médiateur certifié en Communication NonViolente (C.N.V), formé à la Thérapie de Couple centrée sur l’Emotion (T.C.E), à la Thérapie de Couple basée sur la Psychologie Positive et au traitement des blessures du passé (I.F.S), j’exerce en tant que thérapeute de couple et médiateur familial dans le Val d’Oise. J’accueille les couples […]